Aged care dentistry

As our parents, grandparents or ourselves age, it becomes continually difficult to maintain a healthy mouth. There are a MULTITUDE of reasons an older person’s oral health declines from medications drying out the mouth, to mobility issues, to mental health affecting routines, care workers not having enough time to clean dentures/teeth… the list goes on, and on.
At The Bays Dental we see this becoming an issue in our local community and are here to help.
We see older person’s in the community choosing to live in their own home on thier own, without adequate assistance.
We find Aged Care Facilities are regularly understaffed and time poor. Their staff often have to prioritise other things over cleaning dentures and brushing the teeth of their residents. This results in decay, disease and excess bacteria in the mouth causing many other problems throughout their body.
We see so many issues concerning our older community members, the least we can do is what we do best! If you know an older person in need of dental assistance, please send them our way!
Having a Dental Prosthetist, Denture Technician AND the Dentist available in the ONE location, all together, at the same time makes a trip to the dentist much more achievable and worthwhile. We can usually get everything done in a single visit. So if you have to drive your elder to their appointments, this makes the trips much more productive.
If there are natural teeth, the dentist can clean them. If there is a mix of dentures and natural teeth, the denture technician can clean the dentures while the dentist looks after the natural teeth AND if there are only dentures, well honestly, sometimes you can come down with just the dentures and we will clean/repair them without the need to see the patient!
need to help your grandparents and don't know where to start?
Contact us to book a consult or an appointment for your Relatives today!
Simply click the Book an Appointment button below or give us a call on 9583 2439.